Imagine yourself in this situation. You’re in Ancient Egypt, in 3,000
B.C. You’re about to go into battle, and you don’t know if you’ll return home
again. You gaze across the horizon, and notice the hazy red glow of the sunrise.
You look down at the garnet talisman in your hand, your most prized possession.
You squeeze it tightly in your palm for good luck, safety, and prosperity as you
head into battle…
Believe it or not, the Garnet Gemstone has been found in handmade jewelry
dating back to around 3,000 B.C. in Egypt. Thousands of years ago, Ancient
Egyptian pharaohs displayed their wealth and power through their garnet jewelry.
Nowadays, garnet is still a symbol of wealth and prosperity, although it also
symbolizes a number of other things too. I’m going to tell you all about it, so be
sure to read on!
Powerful Symbolism
Garnet is known for a wide variety of symbolism and meaning. First and
foremost, garnet symbolizes love and romance. It is also known for its connection
to commitment, vitality, and friendship. Furthermore, garnet is the gemstone of
security, stability, safety, and strength. What better gemstone to get for a close
friend or significant other than the gemstone known for symbolizing long-lasting,
unbreakable relationships?
Garnet Significance
Garnet is the birthstone and gemstone of January, the first month of the year. It is
known for a strong start to the New Year. Garnet is also the official gemstone of
the 2nd year wedding anniversary. What better way to celebrate two years of
happy marriage than a garnet gemstone for your one-and-only lover?
Historic Garnet Usage
Garnet was historically used as a talisman by ancient warriors heading into
battle. It was also believed to repel the plague. Garnet jewelry dates back to
earlier than 3,000 B.C. It was used by Ancient Egyptians as a sign of wealth and
prosperity. It was also used in Ancient Greece, as Plato himself had his own
portrait carved into the beautiful gemstone. At many points in history, garnet was
used by travelers to promote safety and well-being during their adventures.
Garnet was even used in bullets by the Hunza tribes, as they believed blood-red
garnet would make deadlier wounds to their enemies. Garnet surely played an
important role throughout history.
Garnet Nomenclature (Naming)
The word “garnet” is derived from the Latin word granatum, meaning “seed” or
“grain.” It is believed to be named this, as it often resembles a pomegranate
seed. The bright red color of the gem coincides with the juicy appearance of the
pomegranate seed.
Taking Care of your Garnet
Garnet hardness tends to range from about 6.5-7.5 on the Mohs hardness scale.
This means it is durable for everyday usage and wear. To clean your garnet, use
warm, soapy water and a soft cloth or toothbrush. To dry your garnet, lightly pat it
with a thin cloth. To keep garnet safe, avoid drastically changing temperatures as
well as erosion-causing chemicals.
Types of Garnet & Where they are Found
There are over 20 different types of garnet, so I won’t be covering them all in this
article. However, I’ll walk you through a list of a few of them and where they
come from. Sri-Lanka is a very popular spot to find rhodolite garnet, a purplish-
reddish version of the gem. Ossira, India is known for supplying rich, red garnet.
Tanzania and Kenya are both home to Tsavorite. Tsavorite is a green type of
garnet. Demantoid, another variety of green garnet, can be found in Russia and
Iran. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Namibia, and Myanmar are all known for their supply
of Spessartine garnet. Mozambique is known for its beautiful Almandine garnet.
Finally, Brazil is a common home to many different variants of garnet.
Final Thoughts on Garnet
Garnet is one of the most beautiful and meaningful gemstones for its surprisingly
affordable price. Between its romantic symbolism and its historical uses, each
piece of garnet has a unique story to tell. I would recommend the garnet
gemstone to anyone born in the month of January, anyone looking to give a gift
to a partner or friend, or anyone who wants to add a beautiful gemstone to their